Love’s Last Walk Down the Aisle
Sacred moments happen all the time, if you’re open, you will catch a few or they will catch you.
I was caught by one a few weeks ago. I was at the Harborview ICU visiting my son-in-law. Harborview is well known for having an excellent trauma center. As I was walking out, I stumbled upon a row of doctors, nurses and staff all lined up and down the hallway towards the exit. They invited me to join them in what they called a “walk of honor”. I had never heard of it and everyone was silent so I quietly lined up along side the courageous team of men and women who had also helped to save my son-in-law’s life.
As we all stood in silence, a man was ushered down the aisle of the hallway pushed in his bed by a noble nurse and along side of him was his wife, holding his hand.
It was whispered to me that the man was an organ donor. His body was no longer able to live in our world but he chose to be an organ donor so his organs would be harvested for someone else to live out the rest of their days on earth.
What an honor to witness.
As they walked past me, my eyes met his wife’s as I put my hand on my heart as a way of offering my love and support to her. I wondered who she was. I wondered how long they had been married. I was guessing 25 years or so. I wondered where they walked down the first aisle together and what their love story was.
As I stood on the sidelines of this chapter in their love story, my face wet with tears, I looked up at the others wet faces in the hallway. We were all connected in this impactful moment.
Just two years ago my beautiful niece became an organ donor too. Her organs were donated to many people who were able to live with her generous donation. My heart broke wide open again at the memory of that.
My son-in-law had just awoken from a coma so we had renewed hope that he would be able to live more time with us.
Many emotions flooded through my mind and heart as I stood and wept for the husband and wife I had the honor of being with on their final walk down the aisle.
My husband and I have been with many people as they begin their lives together in love. We walk with many couples as they stumble and sometimes fall as they try to love each other on their journey together. I know the woman whose name I will never know loved the man whose name I won’t know either. Their journey ended that day. I honor their love. However it was.
Karla Obernesser, September 11, 2024
Photo by Hugo Douchet on Unsplash